Join Apostle C.L. Edmondson in a Crusade near you

Apostle C. L. Edmondson has been ordained, called and chosen by God to lead His people back to Him for such a time as this! This awakening shall be one in history as God promises to shake the church, the world and everything connected to it by His power! This is the move of God that we have been waiting for.  Apostle Edmondson walks in the authority of Jesus Christ as He leads and guides her in bringing His people back to Him! In this hour, there can be no compromise with the world. The Church as usual that has become a business society is over and the new church of Jesus Christ is dawning as it was in the first century church of the acts of the apostles. We must return back to Him! Body of Christ, awake and arise! Hear the sound of the trumpet and come running! Come running back to God! Stay tuned for the meeting locations near you real soon! We must be overcomer of the world, the flesh and the devil. Church get ready to take your rightful position in this world, letting your light shine, being the salt of the earth for such a time as this! It’s time for the demonstration of the Holy Spirit, with signs, wonders and miracles. Rise up and be ready to be confrontational, lion hearted and gutsy in this world for your God! The only order you need to make sure that you are aligned with is the order of God, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit, our comforter. Let the new church ARISE!  


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